All guy in this world searching everywhere to find their angel, to find their princess and i'm very lucky coz i already found a person that can be an angel and princess to make my life become more happy, more meaningful from day to day since the first time we become friend until we become a lover right now. Your wonderful voice make me feel calm and joy when i hear it. your sms make me smile and laugh when i read it. i never bored looking at your picture coz it make my soul feel great and coz i love looking at it. your wonderful smile can give new spirit to me. can make me forget all problem and my angry. all that are special to me. so special and i could not get it all from anyone else. only you can give it all to me. i dont want to lose all this. thank you for loving me. thank you coz give me chance to be your lover. thank you for all thing you gave to me.